Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Week 5 Day 3 (So exactly how long IS week 5, anyway?)

Well, I've stretched out week 5. The short version is that having had the pleasure of my husband's company the whole time thus far, I want to progress together as well. There have been a few occasions where he was unable or unwilling to come with me for a variety of legitimate reasons. So I resorted to simply walking for 45-60 minutes and running flat & downhill stretches just to maintain and not backslide. I even forced myself to run up a few of the hills that have been tough for me just to prove I can.

So last night we embarked on Week 5, Day 3. This one calls for a 20 minute run, with warmup/cooldown walks on either end. Since it had been many days since the last run, I was on the fence as to whether to repeat the last day's regimen or "move on" to the 20 minute run. Finally I told Matt "Let's try for 20 minutes, and I'll commit to at least 8." So off we went. At 8.5 minutes, I said "New interim goal - 12 minutes." And once that was achieved: "OK, at least 15 minutes." By then we'd turned around and were on our way back to the house. So we got to 20 minutes, and by then it was downhill or flat the rest of the way, so we kept going until we hit our street (which is our stopping point for the cool down walk the rest of the way home). Total running time: 26 minutes. This is a first ever for me in my life. Even when I was forced to run in PE in school, I can guarantee you I never jogged that long, even WITH a walk break. I'm so unbelievably proud of myself that I could burst.

A very big Thank You to my husband Matt for being so encouraging and going along with me. I definitely could do this myself, but it's easier for me to push myself when he's with me.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Week 5 Day 2 - not so bad!

Tonight's routine:
  1. Warmup walk at least 5 min
  2. Jog 8 minutes
  3. Walk 5 minutes
  4. Jog 8 minutes
  5. Cool down walk
I actually got a three day break. My husband's knee was bothering him too much yesterday (an old luxating patella injury that was aggravated by moving a HEAVY wood stove Sunday night then again Monday afternoon). I would've gone for a walk, but my dear husband forgot to tell me before it got too dark. And I had work stuff to deal with anyway.

I don't know if it was the three day break or what, but the 8 minute segments weren't really that bad. The hills were challenging, but surprisingly my lungs weren't what held me back - it was the cramp on the top of my right shoulder (in toward the neck) and then in my side. But I slowed down, kept jogging, and ran through them and made it. I was worried it would be so hard after three days off, but it really wasn't. I'm actually starting to feel reasonably fit.

Now, the program calls for the next session to be 20 minutes of straight running. I think I might repeat tonight and try to go just a smidge faster, then move up. Though I haven't decided if I'm just being a chicken or not. I do know this - tonight was the first time since high school (I'm now 32) that I've run for 8 minutes. In fact, even in high school when we had to run in PE, I think I always walked some - largely because I was too dumb to pace myself and go slowly at the beginning. I'm high on the accomplishment and very tired now, so good night!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The *Real* Week 5 Day 1

Last night we did the first workout of week 5; though it really was the second time we did it. Sunday or Monday we'll move on to the next workout for week 5, which I'm rather apprehensive about:

  • 5 minute warmup walk (15 for us)
  • 8 minute jog
  • 5 minute walk
  • 8 minute jog
  • cool down walk
I guess we'll see how it goes. I hope I can talk Matt into going tomorrow instead of Monday. It would be nice to go when it's light out instead of having to carry flashlights in the dark.

We've truly been having some beautiful weather here lately - highs near 70, no humidity, cool breezes. Evenings/nights have been in the fifties, and usually when we go running in the evenings it's around 60 degrees.

I was really surprised last night by how much better my lungs seem to be doing on the longer jogs. We actually did an extra minute or two on the first two jogging segments to take advantage of the downhill terrain in a few places. We prefer jogging down hills (with short quick steps, almost like balancing on a rolling log) to walking down them, and it kinda feels wasteful if we walk down one :). There was one time I would've kept going except that I got a side stitch. Even with that though, my breathing wasn't gaspy the way it used to be. I suppose I actually am getting more fit, which is a good feeling. Another plus - I started tracking my weight again, and I discovered that I've actually lost a couple of pounds this week. I've gotten back to watching my portions (I usually make decent choices, but I have been indulging in treats a bit too often and the portion size has crept up on me). So that's a very good feeling. And I measured my waist, chest and hips today as a benchmark. I'll do that once a month to track my progress. After all, I want my winter clothes to fit nicely because I cannot afford to replace them all :).

To those of you who have left comments and started following my blog, thank you. I feel like it helps keep me accountable.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Schedule Alteration (Week 4 Day 3/ Week 5 Day1)

So to stay "on schedule" we should've run again Tuesday. But life intervened. We went for a walk on Monday, but last night my husband had to work late, and we were both so exhausted by the time he got home that we just skipped it and we went tonight.

It's starting to get pretty cool here in the mountains of Northern Virginia. It's getting down into the forties and fifties at night and only up to about 70 (and a breezy, cool 70) degrees during the day. I love this time of year and the cool sunny weather. I do dislike the shortening days, chiefly because we run in the evenings and I'd prefer light. But there are only so many things one can control, and I'm not giving up because it's dark. So we go together, with flashlights.

Tonight I started off in knee length shorts, a sleeveless top, and a white jacket (Champion brand moisture-wicking stuff, courtesy of Target). I was actually shivering when I started out walking, but of course it only took a few minutes for me to get less cool, then after few more minutes, I tied the jacket around my waist because I was really warm!

We started running for the first 3 minute segment and elected to go a little bit longer to enjoy the downside of the hill we had to slog up. By the time we were done with that, it had been 5 minutes. So at that point, we decided to do the next week's first day tonight. So we did - we ran 5 min and walked 3 min, three times. Then on the way home, we jogged down the long hill that's so tough at the beginning. It was hard, but not so hard that I feel any different than usual. I still had some trouble with the hills when they occurred during running segments, but I did a couple more of them this time than last. I think next time we may repeat this, then go to Week 5 Day 2.

At any rate, I'm thankful for my health, grateful for the noticeable improvement in my recovery rate and my stamina, and I will sleep very well tonight!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week 4 Day 2 (Sept 27, 2009)

The foot continues to heal. I've been wearing my good hiking shoes to work for the last week, and that seems to help. The last two times (including tonight) that I've run, the foot was no worse off and overall seems to be improving. I'm very thankful for that.

Today we did the second day of week 4. I typically modify the routine somewhat - the warmup walk is about 15 minutes (to get up the first, largest, and most evil of the hills), and the cool down ends up being a bit longer than that because I usually like to get a little more than halfway through the routine before turning around (since the hard uphill part is easy going downhill on the way home). Once again, Matt stayed right with me, encouraging me the whole time during our run segments.

One difference from Friday was that on the third run segment (the 3 minute one) we tackled one of the larger hills (last time we just ran back and forth on the flatter stretch before the hill). I thought I was going to D-I-E. I did ok until about 2/3 up it, then I permitted myself 10 walking steps and started jogging again. But near the top, I walked another 10 steps. I did resume running at the top (flat section at the top) and kept it up at a VERY slow pace for the rest of the required time. Trouble is, after the 3 min segment, it's only a 90 second recovery walk. I stretched that to two minutes.

We turned around for the last 5 minute segment (heading home now), starting off on flat ground, and about a minute into that, a dang bug flew straight into my mouth, hitting (and sticking to) the back of my throat. Now, I typically don't carry water on my run if my hubby goes with me. I don't like carrying it, and if I have it, I'll drink too much and cramp up. Matt usually carries some, and I make sure to drink enough water during the day in preparation for a run). I stopped, spat and spat, and coughed. I never tried so hard to cough up anything in my life. I was about to stick my finger in my throat to see if I could vomit and clear the darn thing. And it was a pretty small bug. Thankfully, Matt allowed me a mouthful of his water, and I was able to swoosh around and get the thing out. Completely gross. And it messed up my running segment, darn it!

The whole incident probably cost me less than 30 seconds. I went right back to jogging, which by now was easier since it started off downhill and was flat for the rest of the time. We did run for about 6 minutes though (I didn't stop the clock for the bug incident!) to make up for the pit stop.

Although it's still by no means easy, I can tell that the first 3 minute segment is easier. Last week I struggled with the 3-min segments, now they're not too bad. I guess that's the point of the design though - what is hard one week becomes easier by the next week (and something harder) is introduced. I'm still having a hard time believing I'll be up to 8 minutes next week. Five was such a personal victory/milestone for me.

Assuming I stay with the schedule, by early November I will be running a full 30 minutes (yikes! might take longer if I don't walk those hills). Either way, I'll be more fit and healthier, and that's the important part.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Week 4 Day 1

Back on track. Tonight we started week 4 of the program. The proscribed routine is:
  1. 5 minute warmup walk
  2. Jog 3 minutes
  3. Walk 1.5 minutes
  4. Jog 5 minutes
  5. Walk 2.5 minutes
  6. Repeat steps 2-5
  7. 5 minute cool down walk
In reality, all of my runs from home start with a 10-12 minute warmup walk (the first 8-10 minutes is up a hill with about a 250 foot elevation change in a quarter mile - when I get to the top, I need to walk a minute or two to let my heart rate calm down to the "brisk walk" pace). That's usually the point at which I begin the first jogging segment. I keep going away from my house a little more than halfway through the program, so I end up with a longer cool down walk that ends on a downhill stretch (and I sometimes run down the hill for fun!). So it ends up usually being about an hour of cardio.

Once I clear that first hill, the terrain flattens out with shorter intense hills mixed with flatter stretches in between. Somehow I always end up going uphill either on a recovery (walking) segment or at the end of a longer jog. So tonight, Matt & I jogged back and forth about 8 times on one of the flatter stretches precisely to avoid the hills. I would've ended my first 5 minute jog segment going up one of the tougher hills, and I would NOT have made it for 5 minutes with that hill at the end of it. So Matt suggested just going back and forth. But I did it - I ran the full length of time with NO walk breaks and I'm so darn proud of myself I could just bust. Maybe by the end of the week I'll be ready to tackle those hills.

I am truly blessed to have such a kind and supportive husband. He's told me before that he's by nature a sprinter, not a distance runner. He also said he finds it difficult to jog as slowly as I do, and he likes to push himself. (For me, the pushing myself comes in with jogging AT ALL). So far, the jogging segments have been short enough that he can run faster (significantly faster) than me. He's not someone who's really run any amount since his teen years - but distance has always been harder for him (I suspect because he goes too fast). Anyway, usually he gets a ways ahead then comes back to me on the walk segments. Well, tonight he hung right by me, encouraging me all the way. I think he's still wondering where his *real* wife is and who the impostor is who insists on running three nights a week. He tried to get me to run with him when we were teenagers and I wasn't having it. I'm not sure why I decided to start this. But I'm glad I did. It's such a sense of accomplishment for me.